Result of the executive committee formation declared at 5:50 evening for.....upto 2071/07/19. Chairperson:- Mr. Gopi Nath Kharel Vice-chairperson:-Mr. Gopal Prasad Kandel Secretary:- Mr. Tikaram Kandel Joint secrary:- Mr. Madhu sudan pandey Treasurer:- Mr.Hari lal Sapkota and Members are Mr. Madhav poudel Mrs. Bishnu kandel Mr. Raghu Kandel Mr. Badri Lamsal Mr. Govinda Kandel Mr.Ganga Pandey (Account supervisory committee--------Co-ordinator: Mr Indra raj jyoti poudel Members are Mr. Deep Narayan sapkota and MR. Prem Prasad Chapagain) CONGRATS TO ALL OF THEM.........Just now i've phoned to the new chairperson of Visec Gopi Sir and gave him cogratulation.