When children’s day is celebrated?

International children’s day is celebrated on the 1st of June each year, though it is not a common phenomenon in many countries. children’s day is often confused with Universal Children’s Day which is celebrated on November 20th.

History of International Children’s Day

The ICD is said to have originated in turkey in 1920(April 23) and later in Geneva, Switzerland in 1925.children’s day was a coincidence that two very important events took place on 1st June 1925. The first was the World Conference for the Well-being of Children in Geneva and at the same time the Chinese consul-general in San Francisco gathered a number of Chinese orphans to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.Since both these incidents had the idea of child welfare at their core, 1st of June began to be celebrated as International children’s day thereafter but it were largely restricted to the communist countries and continue to be restricted, even after the atrophying of communism. There is often little public awareness of International children’s day in the western world and the central Asian continent.

International Children’s Day celebration in different country

Most of the nations in the western world, the Middle East, Africa and the southern hemisphere have their own particular so called “Children’s day”, which they celebrate during different times of the year. Australia celebrates “Children’s Day” on the fourth Wednesday of October. Brazil celebrates children’s day on October 12th, which is also the day of Our Lady of Aparecida, a public holiday in Brazil. In India children’s day is celebrated on the 14th of November, in honor of the birthday of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru (the first prime minister of free India) owing to his excessive fondness of children.

International Children’s Day in Europe

However, being a prominent phenomenon in Europe, International children’s day has acquired an important place in the agenda of United Nations and its concerned agencies, especially UNICEF (United Nations international children’s emergency fund). This year children welfare is also going to be an important point of discussion in the G8 summit meeting in Heiligendamm, Germany from the 6th to 8th June (owing to it’s proximity to 1st June). The major concerns will be poverty in the African nations and the prevention on HIV among children in the same nations.

International Children’s Day at China

This year on the 1st of June, as part of the tradition in China (one of the nations that laid the foundations of this day) the celebrations went on in full swing when Chinese President, Hu Jintao, spend the day playing games with children. Hu, accompanied by a group of high-ranking officials, visited a kindergarten and a primary school at a small town of the Daxing District in southern Beijing, which mainly take in children of nearby farmers and migrant workers. Hu joined the children in playing with toy bricks at the kindergartenand played basketball and rope skipping with students at the school.

Recognition of International Children’s Day

Despite of the prominence that International children’s day gets in nations like China and Poland, it practically remains an arcane in the majority of nations of the world. However, what demarcates it from other public holidays is the hope that it sheds over the future of children, the architects of tomorrow, especially those thriving for “just existence” in the underdeveloped world. The participation of agencies like UNICEF, G8 and other charitable organizations makes it an endeavor that is a giant leap towards peace and unification of humanity giving all those involved in the process that the world is ONE FAMILY.